The New King of Polaris?


Zodiac have released their first new Polaris in almost 10 years, taking components and abilities from the famous 3900 Sport pressure side pool cleaner and some lessons learned from the robotic side of the business the Polaris Quattro Sport has blown my expectations right out of the water.

  • Active brushing attacks fine and stubborn debris
  • Aggressive wall-climbing capabilities
  • Dual-stage filtration
  • Extra-large debris intake & superior vacuum power
  • Multi-directional navigation
  • Large, easy-to-clean debris canister

Rather than using a bag like a traditional Polaris the Quattro uses a fit in canister like a robotic pool cleaner.

I would like to see a “pro” model with the scrubbers from an AX10 instead of the current ones maybe a possible upgrade in the future or Mark 2? but only time will tell.

For more information regarding the Polaris Quattro from Zodiac call 1300 117 665 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Best Regards,
The JC Pool Services Team.